Tell, my tongue, the mystery of the glorious body
and precious blood which the fruit of a noble womb, the King of the Nations,
shed to redeem the world. Given to us, born for us of an untouched virgin and dwelt in the world after the seed of the Word had been scattered.
Sui moras incolatus miro clausit ordine
Sui moras incolatus miro clausit ordine (miro clausit ordine)
On the night of the Last Supper reclining with his brothers
Observata lege plene cibis in legalibus as he gives food to the crowd of Twelve with his own hands, Genitori genitoque laus et jubilatio Salus honor virtus quoque sit et benedictio
Pange lingua gloriosi corporis mysterium
Pange lingua gloriosi corporis mysterium
Pange lingua gloriosi
Pange lingua gloriosi
Pange lingua gloriosi
Pange lingua gloriosi
Pange lingua gloriosi
Pange lingua gloriosi corporis mysterium
Sanguinisque pretiosi quem in mundi pretium Fructus ventris generosi rex effudit gentium Nobis datus nobis natus ex intacta virgine Et en mundi conversatus sparso verbi semine
Sui moras incolatus miro clausit ordine
Sui moras incolatus miro clausit ordine (miro clausit ordine)
In supremae nocte coenae recumbeus cum fratribus
Observata lege plene cibis in legalibus Cibum turbae duodenae se dat suis manibus Genitori genitoque laus et jubilatio Salus honor virtus quoque sit et benedictio
Pange lingua gloriosi corporis mysterium
Pange lingua gloriosi corporis mysterium
Pange lingua gloriosi
Pange lingua gloriosi
Pange lingua gloriosi
Pange lingua gloriosi
Pange lingua gloriosi
La guerra ha empezado
Y Johnny ha de luchar
Quisiera a su lado
Mis días pasar
Quisiera seguirte
También mi corazón
Déjame acompañarte
No, mi amor, no
Mañana es domingo
Pasado has de partir
Pues la patria te llama
Y tú debes ir
La patria te llama
También mi corazón
Déjame acompañarte
No, mi amor, no
Me ocultaré el pelo
De hombre vestiré
Y como un compañero
A tu lado iré
Seré un compañero
Y nadie lo sabrá
Seguiré tu sendero
Como uno más
Oh Johnny, oh Johnny
Por qué me haces sufrir
Tú eres mi camino
Mi mundo eres tú
Quisiera expresarte
Mi inmenso amor por ti
Déjame acompañarte
Si, mi amor, si
La guerra ha empezado
Y Johnny ha de luchar
Quisiera a su lado
Mis días pasar
Quisiera seguirte
También mi corazón
Déjame acompañarte
No, mi amor, no
Mañana es domingo
Pasado has de partir
Pues la patria te llama
Y tú debes ir
La patria te llama
También mi corazón
Déjame acompañarte
No, mi amor, no
Me ocultaré el pelo
De hombre vestiré
Y como un compañero
A tu lado iré
Seré un compañero
Y nadie lo sabrá
Seguiré tu sendero
Como uno más
Oh Johnny, oh Johnny
Por qué me haces sufrir
Tú eres mi camino
Mi mundo eres tú
Quisiera expresarte
Mi inmenso amor por ti
Déjame acompañarte
Si, mi amor, si
On a wagon bound for market
There’s a calf with a mournful eye
High above him there’s a swallow
Winging swiftly through the sky
How the winds are laughing
They laugh with all their might
Laugh and laugh the whole day through
And half the summer’s night
Donna, Donna, Donna, Donna
Donna, Donna, Donna, Don-
Donna, Donna, Donna, Donna
Donna, Donna, Donna, Don-
Stop complaining, said the farmer
Who told you a calf to be
Why don’t you have wings to fly with
Like the swallow so proud and free
How the winds are laughing
They laugh with all their might
Laugh and laugh the whole day through
And half the summer’s night
Donna, Donna, Donna, Donna
Donna, Donna, Donna, Don-
Donna, Donna, Donna, Donna
Donna, Donna, Donna, Don-
Calves are easily bound and slaughtered
Never knowing the reason why
But whoever treasures freedom
Like the swallow has learned to fly
How the winds are laughing
They laugh with all their might
Laugh and laugh the whole day through
And half the summer’s night
Donna, Donna, Donna, Donna
Donna, Donna, Donna, Don-
Donna, Donna, Donna, Donna
Donna, Donna, Donna, Don-
When I first came to town
They called me the roving jewel
Now they've changed their tune
They call me Katy Cruel
Oh diddle day, oh diddle lie o day
Oh that I was where I would be
Then I would be where I am not
Here I am where I must be
Go where I would, I can not
Oh diddle day, oh diddle lie o day
When I first came to town
They brought me the bottles plenty
Now they've changed their tune
They bring me the bottles empty
Oh diddle day, oh diddle lie o day
Oh that I was where I would be
Then I would be where I am not
Here I am where I must be
Go where I would, I can not
Oh diddle day, oh diddle lie o day
I know who I love
And I know who does love me
I know where I'm going
And I know whose going with me
Oh diddle day, oh diddle lie o day
Oh that I was where I would be
Then I would be where I am not
Here I am where I must be
Go where I would, I can not
Oh diddle day, oh diddle lie o day
Down the road I go
And through the boggy mire
Straight way cross the field
And to my heart's desire
Oh, diddle day, oh, diddle lie o day